Sunday, September 11, 2005

Ghost Master

Of all the strategy games that has good side and evil side. 98% of those will have you play the good side, 1% will let you pick side and the other 1% will have you play the evil side :) Not many later developers seem to be interested in letting you play the bad guys after the Dungeon Master series until Sick Puppies Inc. came along with Ghost Master.

In this game you will be playing as a civil servant type in the afterlife in which you have been given a mission to terrorise the populations of Gravenville. You will be commanding a troupe of ghosts or Haunters as they were called in this game to do the frightening tasks. The locations that you will be play in this game included Sorority house (so cliche eh? :p), Frat house, and police stations just to name a few. In each mission, there will be ghosts trapped in the map which will required different methods to free them to become one of your haunters.

The level of difficulty are ranging from medium to downright maddening... Since the faster you can complete the mission, the more gold phalsm you will gain to be use for training your haunters new scare techniques. One of the mission took me about one and a half hours to fulfill the requirement to release one of the ghost (Not Joking)...

The demo is also available at the official sites. So try it if you like to play bad guys for a change :) You might have found your hidden tendencies *evil laugh*


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