Saturday, January 13, 2007

Web Instant Messengers: Redux

After going through some dfiifculties using the AIM Express around the time that the earthquake in Taiwan destory the fibreoptic cable. I have to look for some other web IM to use.
I had found a few so I would like to share the good ones with you guys :)

Meebo, it is one of the nicer interface web IM around. Meebo allow you to login to multiple IM protocals at once and arrange them into a single pane list, each name has the symbol of which IM your friends are (much like Trillian and Miranda IM). It is also written as Web 2.0 application and has widget which you can add to your website. However it seems to use different ports for each IMs. I can only access my Yahoo with Meebo when in office and not the others. Although I should added that Meebo does not use ads in their service.

ILoveIM, another web IM, a lot more basic looking than Meebo, use ads but work a lot better from my office. ILoveIM is quite an oddball in my opinion. It seems to be a work in progress as their single pane interface (similar to Meebo but each IM listed in their own service tab) is only available for MSN, Yahoo and Google Talk at the moment. For AOL, it will bring up a popup screen. I suppose it will be update later on. What I like about ILoveIM is that fact that it seems to be more stable than AIM Express. Their ads reload function have additional affect of refreshing the connection which helps bring back the lagged messages so you can continue the chat again.

I hope you will find this useful :)


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